
Homeopathic Clinic

Best Homeopathic Doctor in Chandigarh Homeopathy is a system of medicine by curing diseases with minute doses which are free from all types of side effects. Medicines are safe, easy to dispense, being sweet always admirable, and easy for the…

Laser Treatment (LLLT)

Homeopathic Clinic

Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Low-Level Laser Therapy is nothing more than shining a high-intensity light into the area of interest, it’s just that this “light” is very intense, “monochromatic” (one wavelength), coherent (all the photons are in phase and synchronized)…


Homeopathic Clinic

Acupuncture Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used medical procedures in the world. Originating in China more than 2,000 years ago, acupuncture began to become better known in the United States when New York Times reporter James Reston…

We treat He cures.

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HOLAC CLINIC is the best Homeopathic clinic in Chandigarh, with Low-Level Laser Therapy & Acupuncture in the region of Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana & Himachal Pradesh. Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar and Late Dr. Sarbjeet Kaur Makkar started this clinic in 1988. The clinic has a team of experienced & well-qualified staff and has a beautiful premises. It has the best technology available in the field of Homeopathy, Acupuncture & LLLT. Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar is the Best homeopathic doctor in Mohali. We are treating patients from every corner of the world. High-Quality Indian & German Medicines are used. Medicines are delivered to distant patients via Fastest Courier Service at the cheapest rates. We have the Best Acupuncture Clinic with invasive and non-invasive techniques, Moxibustion,  Cupping, Ultrasonic Massage, and all other method used in advanced Acupuncture. We have the facility of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). This is used as advanced physiotherapy and as a substitute to needles for painless Acupuncture, We use the best Lasers of Different wavelengths according to the suitability of each patient.  We are always ready to treat the poor and needy patients for free. ‘Sincerity and dedication is our motto and ‘confidentiality and service’ our commitment. Holac Clinic has a treasure of testimonials and blessings of the cured patients. The Only belief that kept this clinic always the best is We treat HE cures.

Homeopathy doctor in chandigarh

Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar

D.H.M.S. M Acu

HOLAC CLINIC is the only Clinic of Homeopathy, Low-Level Laser Therapy & Acupuncture in the region of Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana & Himachal Pradesh since 1988. The clinic has a team of experienced & well-qualified Homeopathic Doctors, And the Skin Doctor Specialist staff and has a beautiful premise. It has the best technology available in the field of Homeopathy, Acupuncture & LLLT. We are treating patients from every corner of the world. High-Quality Indian & German Medicines are used. Medicines are delivered to the distant patients via Fastest Courier Service at cheapest rates. We have the best Acupuncture Clinic with invasive and non-invasive techniques. Moxibustion and cupping are also being done. Ultrasonic Massage along with Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is also available. We have the best Lasers of Different wavelengths according to the best suitability of the patient.  We are always ready to treat the poor and needy patients for free. ‘Sincerity and dedication’ is our motto and ‘confidentiality and service’ our commitment. Holac Clinic has a treasure of testimonials and blessing of the cured patients. The Only belief that kept this clinic always the best is.

We treat HE cures.

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Chronic Sciatica with slip disc

I am Mahesh Dawedi. I was working as a senior sales executive. I had a backache with unbearable pain in my one leg. I visited so many orthopedics and neurologists for my problem and Went through repeated x rays and MRIs,s. But no one could cure my backache. Their only advice was surgery. After about four months of my problem, my company stopped accommodating me for any more medical leave. I was left with no other option than to resign. I came back to Chandigarh from Bangalore. The pain was increasing day by day. My leg started getting thin. I was unable to turn in bed. Then one of my relatives referred me to the Holac clinic. The next day I went there. I was brought in on stretcher. Doctors treated me with acupuncture. Some homeopathic medicines were also given to me. The grace of God happened to me. Within one hour of getting treatment, I felt some relief. Now I was able to talk and breathe without pain. Day by day my pain decreased, my pain killer medicines reduced to a minimum and I became able to walk to the clinic from my car after five days. After another ten days, I became 90% better and stopped all my pain killer pills. But I took acupuncture for another 30-40 days along with homeopathy. I found a new job. Again with lots of traveling. But now, it is not a problem for me. It is almost three years now I never get backache or sciatica. Now onwards Holac clinic is my family clinic. All my negative notions about Homeopathy are cleared. HOMEOPATHY IS THE FASTEST WAY TO CURE ACUPUNCTURE BEST PAIN MANAGEMENT TREATMENT
Mr. Mahesh Dawedi

Homeopathic clinic in chandigarh

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